Sunday, May 20, 2018


she was just a child, at a tender age you showed her how to smile
you carried her, though your arms are getting heavy you could still go for miles
times might be hard, the situation is against you
still you come to her cries and say "i love you"
time may pass and tears will fall
you were the one that really gave it all
you taught her right from wrong
and soon you became her only song
then came a tragic a moment
everyone froze from what happened
time seems to be an illusion
you haven't even seen her to her fruition
but you know she is your child and you're willing to sacrifice
but this should not be the way
you should still be with her showing the way
as I look up, up in the sky
I can hear those people you left, cry
but the one person brave enough to stand
is your daughter as she grabs my hand
she knows you did everything for her
I know you enjoyed every single moment you had with her
though you may be gone
she knows she only has one father
and everything single moment of your life, you gave, for her
even before that tragic moment
all you think about is her.

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